Epworth hairdresser proves she is a cut above

Heather-Maria Moreira-White.Heather-Maria Moreira-White.
Heather-Maria Moreira-White.
An Isle hairdresser has proven she is a cut above after reaching the final of a prestigious awards competition.

Heather-Maria Moreira-White, 19, of Burnham Road, Epworth, was named as one of four finalists in the Salon International 2015 rising star award category.

She had to style a model’s hair on stage in front of a panel of expert judges at London’s ExCeL Exhibition Centre.

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Although she didn’t win, Heather-Maria said she was thrilled to have been nominated.

Heather-Maria Moreira-White left with her model on stage.Heather-Maria Moreira-White left with her model on stage.
Heather-Maria Moreira-White left with her model on stage.

She said: “I could not believe it when I got told I had been nominated.

“It was a fantastic experience that I will never forget.

“I learned so much from everyone who was there and I am pretty sure I want to enter the competitin again next year.”

She was put forward for the award by a senior member of staff at her workplace Jenny B Hair Salon in Scunthorpe who had been impressed with her work.

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Heather-Maria attended South Axholme Academy in Epworth before going on to study at John Leggott College in Scunthorpe.

She now works as an apprentice hairdresser.

Her mum Heather was beaming with pride.

The 50-year-old Doncaster College tutor said: “I am really, really proud of her.

“She has only just started her career a few months ago so to get nominated for an award like this and to go so far at this point is amazing.

“It was a nerve-wracking day for her I think to be up on stage in front of industry experts.

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“But she did so well and it will help her in her career I am sure.

“She said she will enter next year so it has been really worthwhile.”

A spokesperson for the Hairdressers’ Journal, who co-organised the awards ceremony, praised entrants.

They added the awards are “designed to celebrate the talent and inventiveness of today’s aspiring hairdressers.”

*Has an employee at your workplace won an award?

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