Doncaster doctor offers advice on how to beat the heat

Doncaster doctor David CrichtonDoncaster doctor David Crichton
Doncaster doctor David Crichton
A Doncaster health chief is advising local people how to 'beat the heat,' as summer temperatures continue to soar.

Dr David Crichton, Chair of NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group, and a Doncaster GP, is urging residents to follow the four steps in this downloadable poster as the summer temperatures continue to soar.

The four steps are:

Keep in touch: look after yourself, listen to the weather and plan ahead

Keep well: drink plenty, dress appropriately, slow down

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Find somewhere cool: keep your home cool and avoid closed spaces

Watch out: for signs of heat-related illness, cool your skin with water; stay safe when swimming; and get help if you need it

“The prolonged spell of hot weather looks set to stay for a while so it’s important that we all know how to stay safe and look after ourselves and others," said Dr Crichton.

“It’s worth downloading this poster and keeping it somewhere handy as a reminder that, whilst it’s great to see the sun shining every day, the heat it generates needs to be managed sensibly.”

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