Doncaster police officer hitting the heights in big charity climb

Sarah Daniels, who will climb Mount Kilimanjaro in October to raise funds for the Stroke AssociationSarah Daniels, who will climb Mount Kilimanjaro in October to raise funds for the Stroke Association
Sarah Daniels, who will climb Mount Kilimanjaro in October to raise funds for the Stroke Association
An intrepid fundraiser hopes to raise at least £5,000 for the Stroke Association in memory of her granddad when she hits the heights and climbs Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa in October.

Probationary Doncaster police officer, Sarah Daniels, will take time off from her Balby and Hexthorpe beat and join 16 other brave souls to make the ascent on October 1 in memory of her granddad Rufus Daniels.

Sarah described former Army man Rufus, who died at the age of 86, as a fiercely independent man until he had a massive stroke in January 2014. In December 2015 he died.

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Sarah, 34, said: “The stroke robbed my granddad of everything. He was very proud and independent until he had the stroke. He became completely paralysed down his left hand side. Afterwards he became withdrawn and refused to leave his home at Violet Avenue in Edlington.”

She added: “After doing some online research I found out that only around £22 is spent on every stroke patient whereas, for example, around £300 is spent on each cancer patient. I felt it was so important therefore to raise funds for this charity. However, I wanted to do something that really challenged me – hence climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.”

The mountain stands at 5,896 metres and Sarah, who is single, hopes to make the peak – Uhuru, meaning freedom in Swahili – in around four days.

She admitted to feeling a little trepidation: “I am a little anxious about this, as it takes me out of my comfort zone. I am reasonably fit. I’m a member of Doncaster Pacers Athletics Club and Nuffield Gym in Doncaster, but this is something completely different and takes me out of my comfort zone. However, even though I’m anxious I’m also looking forward to the experience.”

Sarah is still looking for sponsorship. In order to sponsor her go to her Just Giving page.

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