Doncaster Tory activist gets £50 tattoo in support of eccentric MP Jacob Rees-Mogg

Jacob Rees-Mogg.Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Jacob Rees-Mogg.
A young Tory activist has got a tattoo on his chest in support of the eccentric backbench MP Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Ross Atkinson, aged 24, of Doncaster, posted a picture of the ‘Moggmentum’ logo inked across his chest to his Twitter account yesterday.

He told followers he paid just £50 for the ink to rally behind the Brexit-backing Conservative MP.

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Mr Rees-Mogg has ruled out bids to run for Prime Minister, but his followers are keen to drum up support for him.

Some hardcore fans call themselves Moggmentum – a parody of Jeremy Corbyn’s support group, Momentum.

Mr Atkinson, an e-commerce manager, is reported in national newspapers as saying: "I got it done at Limited Edition Tattoo in Doncaster. It cost £50 – I paid for it with a bonus from my previous job.

“I love Jacob because he stands for a lot the same things as me philosophically, but he also has the integrity to not try and change his opinions to meet public opinion.

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“He also stands for a very old caring kind of Conservatism that doesn’t support unlimited individualism but understands that the state has to take charge sometimes.”

Mr Atkinson, who stood for the Tories in this year's local elections but lost in the Rossington and Bawtry seat, reportedly said Mr Rees-Mogg should sit out the next leadership election, but should win “the one after.”