Readers' Letters

In Tuesday's (February, 13) Doncaster edition of The Star, the front cover featured a young man who was the victim of knife crime.  His attacker got a four-year sentence.  The justice system of Britain is a joke.  It treats the criminals as victims and victims as criminals.  What will happen in the future is that the legal system will turn us into a nation of vigilantes.

All this began with the softly softly approach of the judges of the EU. We need to Brexit as soon as possible, the do-gooders of the world want us to bury our heads in the sand and hope it all goes away. This year I turn 40 and I've seen in forty years this country go down the pan.

If we do not Brexit it will only get worse. My fear is that snowflake Britain will yet again go to the polling stations and re-vote in. If that happens what was the point of 17 million of us voting out of Europe. It's time to see common sense and clean up our own country. If we do not get out of Europe, far-right parties will dominate at the election polls, then we will see real racism on the streets, it won't be the South of England but here in the North (Doncaster, Sheffield, Leeds, Wakefield). We are already seeing problems.

T M Johnson, Doncaster

Did you miss it? What a shame if you did.

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The panto was presented by the Barnby Dun Players in the Parish Hall. Last week my family and I went along to see this year's production. What a magical show, a cross between a panto and a musical, it was excellent. From the start, we all joined in (I lost my voice). This is their 33rd panto, of which I have seen at least 20. All were excellent. This year's though was tuned to perfection! Well done all.

Ann Matters-Angel, Barnby Dun

Welcome to Doncaster

For your comfort, we have simplified parking your vehicle in Doncaster. No more the complex task of dropping coins into a machine, taking the ticket and displaying it inside your windscreen.

All you need now is a mobile phone. What, you haven't got a mobile phone? No matter, you could easily get one. Then you require a credit card. What, you haven't got a credit card? No matter, you could soon get one. Now all you have to do is phone the number displayed in the car park and register your vehicle. Make, model, colour and registration number. Now you give your name and address, your phone number, your credit card number and the amount of time you expect to be parked.

Now isn't that much simpler and more streamlined than the old method?

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Pardon? You will be shopping out of town in future? I don't understand!

A K Norton, Doncaster

Doncaster Unite the Union Retired Members Association

We would like to inform all retired members of Unite that we have reignited the association and would welcome all new and old members to our monthly meetings, which are held on the second Tuesday of each month at the Trades and Labour Club, Doncaster. For further info contact the branch secretary,

Paul Smillie on 07595 314613

Expenditure on Silver Street/High Street

Can anyone from the council justify to the people of Doncaster how you can afford to waste money on the refurbishing of Silver Street and High Street, filling them with more cafes and drinking holes? It's Doncaster, not the Costa del Sol.

Why didn't the council hold a referendum to ask what the majority wanted their money spending on? I am sure they would prefer the town to be safe for people to walk around and to be clean and tidy.

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Anyone that walks down Silver Street on any morning over the weekend sees that the footpaths and entrances to the pubs and clubs are covered in urine and vomit, and this is what the hierarchy thinks will be good for the town.

Or are they expecting it may claw back some of the £5m deficiency in the Environmental Services Department (that they cannot have yet released to the press)? What chance do we now have of having clean streets?

What kind of officers are in charge to just realise there is a £5m overspend? They must be either stupid or have not the intelligence of a dumbbat and should either resign or be booted out. We the ratepayers should not and cannot afford to keep paying for their ongoing glaring mistakes.

Time for some truths to come out of the civic headquarters instead of the wonderlust ideas that they keep throwing at us all.

R Commons, Doncaster