Skins and carcasses found after sheep and lambs stolen during farm burglary

Sheep and lambs stolenSheep and lambs stolen
Sheep and lambs stolen
Police are investigating a rather disturbing incident which took place last month.

Officers are looking into a burglary at a farm on Holme Lane in Massingham near Scunthorpe.

A barn was broken into, a sheep and three, four-week-old, lambs were taken. 

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Sheep and lambs stolenSheep and lambs stolen
Sheep and lambs stolen

The animal’s skins and carcasses were found nearby. Damage was caused to the farm and its fencing during the burglary.

A spokesman said: “This is clearly a very upsetting incident and the theft of livestock from farms is a serious matter. 

“We are investigating this case, looking for forensic evidence and viewing CCTV to try and identify those responsible.

“We have increased patrols in the area and would ask that anyone who sees anything suspicious to call us, we want to catch those responsible and prevent further rural crime.”

Anyone with information about this incident should call police on 101 quoting log 203 20/03/19.

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