Thousands of pounds in fines handed out to Doncaster fraudsters for disabled parking badge misuse

Blue Badge scheme.Blue Badge scheme.
Blue Badge scheme.
Fines totaling more than £4,000 have been handed out to Doncaster fraudsters for misuse of disabled parking badges over the last five years, figures reveal.

Doncaster Council took 23 people to court over illegal use of Blue Badges between 2013 and 2018 – and fines totaling £4,185.38 were handed out by magistrates.

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Blue Badge scheme.Blue Badge scheme.
Blue Badge scheme.

Council chiefs warned anyone caught flouting the law for illegal disabled badge use faces a maximum fine of £1,000.

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Councillor Chris McGuinness, cabinet member for communities, the voluntary sector and environment, said: “We take the misuse of blue badges extremely seriously and took nine offenders to court in 2018 for this offence.

“This is part of our commitment to ensuring dedicated blue badge parking spaces are available for genuine users. 

“If anyone spots blue badges being misused, please note down the detail of the incident and get in touch by reporting it online at”

These latest figures come after data also revealed the number of people being issued with disabled parking badges in Doncaster has gone up.

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Data from the Department of Transport showed there are now 14,331 people with a Blue Badge compared with 13,883 in 2017.

That is 4.6 per cent of the town's population, higher than the rate for the whole of England at 4.2 per cent.